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Enjoy An All Natural Lifestyle with Young Living

I'm Kathy Breen and I'm excited to let you know, you have a choice!
That's right, when it comes to your lifestyle you can choose to be healthy by what you eat, the supplements you take, the nutrient-rich fruit drinks filled with vitality, uplifting aromas and the higher frequencies that you choose to fill your home.

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Kathy Breen

My story begins with using Young Living Essential Oils in 1996 when my children were very young and after listening to several tapes about the oils, toxic chemicals in home products and options for healthier lifestyle changes.

At that time I was no longer working, as I made the decision to leave my employment to stay home with my children. They were 10 months and 3 years of age. I had chosen not to vaccinate, as I was looking for ways to build their immune system. Once I received my Essential 7 kit, I and my family started on an epic adventure toward the healthy and abundant life. Today, nearly three decades later I see clearly now that life has many lessons which we can learn from or repeat until we learn.

Shortly after starting these healthy changes, my then husband had an accident at work. He suffered 2nd degree burns over 20% of his body. He was airlifted to a local hospital where he spent a week. Because of this accident, I learned that your skin is your body’s largest organ and everything you put on your skin goes into your bloodstream. I dug deeper into my research and found the products I had been using on my family were loaded with chemicals. I was appalled that they were even allowed to be on the store shelves. Having recently realized I had choices with regard to my health, and the health of my family, empowered me get through this challenge.


I continually educated myself about the many different alternatives in health-supporting and non-toxic natural products and natural body processes. I studied nutritional supplements, herbs, essential oils, chiropractic, vita-flex, reflexology, colon therapy, chemicals in our personal care products and cleaning products as well as the harmful effects of microwaves, fluoride, aspartame, etc. With regards to healthy living, I likely have a book still on my shelves today from these studies. At that point, we knew we were now educated enough to support our bodies by replacing toxic products in our home environment and being more aware of the options we have for healthier choices. I have since eliminated nearly all harmful products from my home, and replaced them with safe, immune building, oxygenating and frequency-raising products.

D Gary Young

Through the years, I took and still take every opportunity to attend natural health educational seminars and training. Our bodies are simply amazing machines with the ability to correct many issues, if given the chance without chemical assistance. I have attended many training sessions with Dr. Gary Young, the founder of Young Living, who was also my friend and mentor.

Our eyes are now open to the health risks many of us take by using the toxic soup of chemicals that exists in personal products on the shelves of the average grocery store today. Over the years, we have built a successful Young Living business from sharing our experiences with others who we are certain, are destined to benefit from learning more about health-related issues and options as much as my family has.

Join me in discovering a healthier way of living and defending our rights to more natural healthcare options. Let’s begin to build our businesses together today. Remember, you have a choice!

Let me help you choose today to replace all the toxic products currently polluting your home and your family; boost your energy, frequency, and increase your ability to think clearly. Create the abundant and healthy lifestyle you have always dreamed of with the help of Young Living Essential Oil based products and our home business opportunity... naturally 

Our People and Community

We'll show you more about our people and community so you can determine if we are a fit for your natural lifestyle.

Our Processes and Quality

You're going to learn about the Seed to Seal® quality assurance processes that give us confidence in our products.

Our Natural Products

We'll share with you the many uses of our aromatic, topical and dietary products so you can choose which to begin trying.

Who I am, Why I want to help you succeed.

My family and I have benefited so much from our having started our natural health education and transition to a health lifestyle. The gift of health, such as we have been blessed with, simply must be shared with others like you. Secondly, the abundance we have earned and received throughout our years with Young Living simply can't be ignored. There are so many in the current economy who would benefit as well. It's our passion to create a healthy, supportive community of home business owners of like mind. It's like extending our family each time another discovers what possibilities await those committed to their own success.

Copyright © 2024 KathyBreen.com • All Rights Reserved Kathy Breen - Young Living™ Independent Dist. | Essential Oils Consultant/Trainer. The comments and statements contained within this website have not been evaluated by the FDA. Products, uses and techniques mentioned are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Information provided here is in no way intended to replace proper professional medical help or advice. Please consult with the health authorities of your choice.